Monday, April 21, 2014


Early design styles in America were influenced greatly by outside sources.  These outside influences include Dutch, French, German, Swedish, and Spanish.  Each home built in one of these styles has very distinct characteristics.

Dutch style homes are steep roofed with decorative brick work.  Dutch doors, that are split in two and can be opened at the top or bottom as well as opened as a whole, were also used.  Shutters and ornamental tiles were also distinct characteristics.  Most Dutch style homes can be found in the Hudson River Valley.

Colonial Dutch

Modern Dutch

French style homes can be found predominantly in New Orleans.  They are characterized by wrought-iron balconies, exterior stairs, full length porches, french doors, and were raised to avoid flooding.  There were also French Creole Cottages that are found along the Gulf Coast, that have full porches and are located close to property lines.

Colonial French

Modern French

German and Swedish style homes were located in Pennsylvania and are characterized by thick walls, exposed timbers, and beams throughout.

Colonial German

Modern German

Spanish style homes can be found in the South (Florida, Texas) as well as in the West (Arizona, California, New Mexico) and are characterized by the use of stucco and thick adobe walls.  They have smooth surfaces with heavy ornamentation on the doors and windows.  Spanish style homes also have tiled roofs, floors, and courtyards.

Colonial Spanish

Modern Spanish

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