Saturday, March 1, 2014

Americas Reflection

I really like how Desiree called this the "era of disappearance," because that could not be more true and it is a really clever way to remember it. There is a mystery surrounding so many of the civilizations that we talked about in class. She also shared a link to the movie Apocolypto, which I had not heard of before, but it sounds like an interesting film and really ties into what we talked about in class this week.

Similar to my blog, Samantha drew a parallel between the Olmecs and Egyptian civilizations. She also discussed how the Mayans were the only civilizations from the Americas to record their own language, which I thought was very interesting. Lastly, she talked about how she is so interested in these civilizations because of the mystery surrounding them, which I think is what draws a lot of people to them. The fact that they cannot be explained only makes people want an explanation more.

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