Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Americas

I found this week to be really interesting, because it focused on architecture and art outside of Europe.  We usually think of European countries as the birthplace of many architectural elements and design, which they are, but great influence has also come from other areas of the globe. The Aztec civilization is said to have rivaled that of Rome, which I find amazing. Many parallels run between American civilizations and those in Europe and elsewhere. For one, pyramids similar to those built in Ancient Egypt, were also being built by the Aztecs and Mayans. Temples and polytheistic religion was also popular in the Americas as it was in Europe during this time period. It is unfortunate that almost all of these civilizations were conquered by the Spanish or mysteriously vanished so we do not know more about them and how/why they came to an end.

When I was younger my family and I went to visit Tulum, which is a site of Ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico. It was the first time I was exposed to that kind of architecture and history and it really impressed me. The buildings are massive in scale and are actually pretty well preserved. Tulum is located right on the sea, almost on cliffs above the sea, which probably gave it some protection, but I found it interesting in class when we talked about the civilizations not having walls around their cities, so there must not have been fear of others trying to come and conquer them which is quite different then in Europe. 

Today aspects of architecture and art from the Americas are still used in interior design. In fact there is a whole design motif called Aztec design, which is quite popular, so these civilizations have had a major impact throughout time.

Aztec Design

Aztec inspired bedroom

Trapezoid door

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