Thursday, March 13, 2014

Italian Renaissance

Architecture and art of the Italian Renaissance is what I picture when I think of Italy.  It seems that elements from that time period have become deeply ingrained in the Italian culture and history.

During this time period interior architecture became very popular.  Homes had a central courtyard with rooms surrounding that.  Shops were located on the ground floor and living quarters were on the second and third floor.  Italian Renaissance homes were focused on symmetry, with public rooms where guests would enter and then smaller apartments in the private areas of the home.

Facades also developed a certain style during this time period.  They were split into three divisions with compound windows and heavy project cornices.  The facades took on a rustic feel made of brick and stone and appeared simple and plain compared to the interiors of the home.

Sculpture and art came to a forefront during the Italian Renaissance.  Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci created some of their most famous works during this time period, including the David, the Last Supper, and the Mona Lisa.

In the modern day Italian Renaissance design and architecture still plays a big part. Residential and building design is greatly influenced by this time period. Whether it is in the architectural elements or the decorative interiors you can see Italian Renaissance influence all around.

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