Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ancient Greece Reflections

Today I looked at Dana and Emily N's blogs.

I thought that Dana's comment about art coming with opinion was very insightful. She discussed how a lot of what we have to look at from Ancient Greece are pieces of art and that when looking at art it can be perceived in different ways based on people's opinions. I had never considered that before and think that is a very valid point. Scholars can only look at art and come up with what they think it means based on certain known facts, etc, but can anyone really know for 100% certainty that what those scholars say is actually what the Ancient Greeks intended their artwork to say about them?

I also looked at Emily N's blog and I thought that a lot of the points she made were similar to mine. She really emphasized the classical orders: doric, ionic, and corinthian, which was a very important aspect of what we learned because these orders become a cornerstone of design throughout many time periods. She had a picture of the Washington Monument on her page which shows that the use of the orders has spread to our country so many years later.

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