Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ancient Greece

This week we really focused on the classical orders, which include doric, ionic, and corinthian columns. During Ancient Greece we see an extensive use of columns, which will continue on until the present day. We also looked at the influence their culture had on society, government, education, and much more. The Greeks seemed to be somewhat before their time in studying philosophy and a complex civilization that utilized democracy in their government.

The Parthenon is an incredible example of Ancient Greek architecture. Here we see how important it was in their society to please the gods, and as a result, the Parthenon is a massive structure with great detail. In general in Ancient Greece public buildings, as well as influential homes, detail was highly important. They created mosaic flooring, paintings on the walls, and architectural elements such as columns and coffers.

Many Ancient Greek motifs are still used today. In modern design the greek key is used extensively and can be seen in furniture as well as textiles. Coffers on the ceiling are also very common. Furniture has also been adapted from ancient Greek models to be used in modern settings today.

An example of Ancient Greek interior, including a marine motif you can see in the dolphins above the doorway.

Greek Key

An example of columns being used in a modern residential setting.

Greek Key

1 comment:

  1. I discussed your blog post here:
