Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Unlike many other periods of the past not much remains from the prehistoric period. We don't have many artifacts to study and learn specific details about life, however, from the few things that do remain researchers have been able to discern quite a bit about what basic structures and life were like in the distant past.  Large examples such as Stonehenge and Skara Brae village in Scotland remain and a lot can be learned from these structures alone.

Even though this time period was so long ago, the basic architectural elements still remain.  Today the post and lintel technique is still widely used and homes today still have the basic elements that can be found in the primitive Skara Brae homes.  Through technology the building techniques and home luxuries have been improved but the basic components still remain to this day.

In prehistoric time color, pattern, and design all had a specific meaning that signified a tribe, society, etc. Today color and pattern may not always have a certain meaning but in some instances we can still see color and pattern having a very important part in design.  Colors have a great deal to do with branding in companies, such as McDonald's being known for is bright reds and yellows in its restaurants and the classic yellow arch. 

Similar to the village in Skara Brae this is an early example of a prehistoric home.

In modern day design, you can see that post and lintel construction and architectural elements are still used in a variety of ways.

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