Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gothic Reflections

I really enjoyed a lot of the things the Dana said in her blog.  She commented about how amazing it is that these beautiful and immensely detailed buildings were created so long ago, which I completely agree with.  I am always amazed and baffled by the fact that with so little technology they could still create such structures.  Her comment on how thinking of the Gothic period kind of brings to mind feelings of darkness and depression was also very relatable, because before seeing Notre Dame and other Gothic structures I felt the same way, but now I don't associate those feelings with Gothic as much.

This week I also looked at Emily's blog.  She talked about how churches were the center of city life, which is why they are such a great example of Gothic architecture and why they are so detailed and constructed with such care.  This is also the reason that today we see churches and cathedrals as the best examples of old Gothic architecture.  Emily also discussed that the churches were built in a vertical style because the goal was to have a person's eyes and soul lift up toward God, which I thought was a very interesting concept and something I didn't think about before.

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